ATLF – The Association of Literary Translators of France
ATLF was created in 1973 from a split in the French Society of Translators (SFT), considered to be too oriented to technical translations. Today, ATLF desires to be a literary association that defends the interests of literary translators. From the beginning, ATLF establishes, based on information given by its members,
standard prices, taking as calculation unit a typed sheet of 1500 characters. The association also leads a fight at all times for the recognition of the profession
of translator.
The website of ATLF is not offered in English.
- Members will never work isolated from the rest of the world
- To better defend your rights as a professional translator
- To receive up to date information of the translation world
- To participate in training workshops organized by ATLF
- To join the mailing list, restricted to members
- To receive our publications regularly
? 55 Full Members
? 35 Probationary Members
Contact Information
ATLF - The Association of Literary Translators of France
99, rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris
Phone : 01 45 49 26 44
Contact Form: