ASSOINTERPRETI – Italian Association of Professional Conference Interpreters
Founded in 1974, Assointerpreti, the Italian Association of Conference Interpreters, has a membership of practicing professional simultaneous and consecutive
interpreters from all over Italy.
A sound general education, specialist training and commitment to a code of good practice are fundamental prerequisites for membership, along with an excellent
track record in a variety of sectors: medicine, economics, finance, law, cultural events, data processing, industrial production technologies etc.
Assointerpreti is a member of Assiterm (Italian Terminology Association), CoLAP (Coordinamento Libere Associazioni Professionali), and Italcongressi PCO
Italia , (Associazione Nazionale Imprese dell'Industria Congressuale).
Guarantee excellence of service for clients whose business requires foreign language communication in Italy or elsewhere.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
Italian Association of Professional Conference Interpreters
Via Rodi, 85
Phone: +393386035536
Fax: +0115611637
Email: info@assointerpreti.it