APIC – Professional Association of Conference Interpreters from Sao Paulo


In July 1971 eight interpreters from São Paulo met to found the APIC – Associação Paulista de Interpretes de Conferência, according to the standards of the International Association – IACI – which had by then already worked for 18 years, with headquarters in Geneva.
The APIC was created because of the need to unite active professionals in the field of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.
Throughout APIC’s entire existence, the association has sought to maintain the highest level of technical skills and professional performance of its members.
All APIC interpreters are freelance professionals, directly employed by the organizers of the conference, which could also count on the assistance of an APIC coordinator to be part of the team.
To be accepted as an effective member or correspondent of the APIC and interpreter needs to prove 200 days of work in the profession and at least three working languages.
The website of APIC is not offered in English.


For the benefit of its members, APIC has the following objectives:
– Ensuring the quality of professional practice, requiring its members to accept only those contracts of employment for which they are technically qualified;
– Representing, protecting and defending the interests of its members;
– Establishing working conditions to be met by its members;
– Proposing the adoption of technical standards for the installation of simultaneous interpretation equipment in conference rooms, according to ISO and AIIC standards;
– Keeping in contact with similar institutions, foreign nationals, as well as interpreting schools.


Contact the association for information on membership

Contact Information

APIC – Professional Association of Conference Interpreters from S?o Paulo
Rua Maranh?o, 554 – Cj 57 – 01240-000 SP – Brazil
Phone/Fax: +55 (11) 3826-2319
Contact Form: http://www.apic.org.br/website/online/faleconosco.html

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