ALTA - American Literary Translators Association

ALTA - American Literary Translators Association


Since its first national conference in 1978, the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) has fulfilled a unique mission to literary translators throughout the world. Over the course of thirty years, ALTA has emerged as a broad-based organization dedicated to the promotion of literary translation through services to literary translators, forums on the theory and practice of translation, collaboration with the international literary community, and advocacy on behalf of the literary translator. ALTA is the only organization in the United States dedicated solely to literary translation.

ALTA’s office is located at The University of Texas at Dallas and is currently funded by the university and by dues and contributions from members. The McDermott Library at UTD houses a special Translation Collection that carries new English translations of literary works as well as scholarly monographs and reference books related to the practice and theory of translation. ALTA members have access to this special collection through interlibrary loan. The ALTA office acts as a clearinghouse for member services, including the ALTA Directory, ALTA Guides, information on translation programs nationwide, and magazines that publish translations nationwide.

The ALTA Annual Conference, a forum for discussion and recognition of current work in the profession, is the highlight of the year. At a gala reception, ALTA presents the National Translation Award in recognition of outstanding achievement in literary translation.


– access to the members-only section of the ALTA Website
– the ALTA Newsletter – published several times a year and sent out via list-serve and/or through regular mail
– two issues of Translation Review – sent through regular mail and available online
– two issues of Annotated Books Received – available only online


One-year membership except for Lifetime
$80 US and Canada
$100 International
$20 Student
$60 Senior
$100 Joint Household
$100 Library (US & Canada)
$125 Library (International)
$150 Institutional
$1500 Lifetime Membership

Contact Information

American Literary Translators Association
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Rd, Mail Station JO51
Richardson TX 75080-3021
Voice: (972) 883-2093
Fax: (972) 883-6303

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