AAE-ESIT – Association of Former Students at the Superior School of Interpreters and Translators
The AAE-ESIT is a non-profit association of nearly 900 professionals in the translation and interpretation fields, offering over 40 language combinations,
including French sign language.
All of its members hold a Masters Degree of the School of Interpreters and Translators (ESIT - Universit? Paris III), known worldwide for its quality education.
Through its newsletter, it organizes forums and events; the AAE-ESIT promotes contacts and exchanges between graduates from ESIT, companies and other professionals in the interpretation and translation fields.
The website of AAE-ESIT is not offered in English.
- Members of the association receive the association booklet, which contains information about our activities, and some tips on how to start a business;
- Members will receive job offers from companies related to the association;
- Members can be sponsored by old members, who will use his experience and knowledge to help new members in their professional debut;
- Members are part of our directory, the paper version of which is distributed free of charge to about 4,000 companies; the online directory available on this site
is updated continuously;
Only former students of ESIT can become members of the association.
Contact the association for information on membership costs.
Contact Information
AAE-ESIT - Association of Former Students at the Superior School of Interpreters and Translators
Centre Universitaire Dauphine
75775 Paris Cedex 16
Phone: 33 1 44 04 41 46
Contact Form: http://www.aaeesit.com/netcursus/local/envoi_message.asp