University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh, PA
  • Undergraduate
  • Continuing Education
  • Graduate
  • Professional Studies

About the Program

Program Description

As of 2004 the University of Pittsburgh no longer offers a general certificate in translation. However, the study of linguistics is essential to a knowledge of translation theory and practice, providing a broad knowledge of language that canserve as a basis for further study in translation.

General and Descriptive Linguistics

General Linguistics

Linguistics concerns itself with the fundamental questions of what language is and how it is related to other human faculties. In answering these questions, linguists consider language as a cultural, social, and psychological phenomenon and seek to determine what is unique in languages, what is universal, how language is acquired, and how it changes. Linguistics is, therefore, one of the cognitive sciences; it provides a link between the humanities and the social sciences, as well as education and hearing and speech sciences.

Descriptive Linguistics

Descriptive linguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies how languages are structured. Research is undertaken in a wide variety of languages, especially American Indian languages. The American Indian Languages Program (AILP) is one of the few in the United States that offers study and research opportunities in indigenous languages of the Americas. We also offer a graduate program in Hispanic linguistics. This long-standing program incorporates a broad area of research and training in this growing and dynamic field.


The study of foreign language, literature, and culture is a cornerstone of a liberal arts education, bringing enhanced communication skills, improved ability to analyze and interpret, a better informed understanding of one’s own background, and increased sensitivity for other traditions and values.

In addition to the Linguistics course, the University of Pittsburgh offers the followingcourses, which are directly or indirectly related to translation.


East Asian Languages and Literatures

English Language Institute

French and Italian Languages and Literatures

Germanic Languages and Literatures

Hispanic Languages and Literatures

Jewish Studies (Hebrew)

Less Commonly Taught Languages

Slavic Languages and Literatures  

Individual language departments may offer training in translation; please contacteach department individually for this information.


Check with the university.

Editor notes

As mentioned in the Program Description, the University of Pittsburgh offers no specific translation course, but general knowledge of Languages and Linguisticsare essential to work as a translator. The offer of those courses at the University of Pittsburgh provides a thorough understanding of Languages, and is therefore a good option for translation students.

The website mentions that individual language departments may offer training in translation, so it is better to contact them directly for more information.


Contact Information

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Linguistics

2816 Cathedral of Learning

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Telephone: 412-624-5900

Fax: 412-624-6130


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