Yale University – Center for Language Study

Yale University – Center for Language Study
  • Undergraduate
  • Continuing Education
  • Graduate
  • Professional Studies

About the Program

Program Description

Yale’s foreign language programs are directed by an exceptional team of dedicated language faculty, most of whom hold the distinctive ranks of Lector or Senior Lector. All Lectors and Senior Lectors are experienced in foreign language instruction, and over 90% hold advanced degrees in such areas as second language acquisition, education, and foreign language and literature. Many also bring experience from outside education, from such pertinent fields as business, law, and journalism. One-third of the Senior Lectors have PhDs, and over half have been at Yale longer than ten years. Many language courses are also taught by Teaching Fellows and other qualified instructors who are trained and supervised by expert language faculty.Foreign language faculty members also do a great deal of work outside the classroom, overseeing tutorials, independent studies, research projects, and the development of new teaching materials. The university strongly encourages and offers financial support for professional development activities such as publishing, attending workshops, and giving presentations on campus and at regional and national conferences.Language programs are housed by academic departments and area studies councils,the latter under the umbrella of the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale.Within their departments and councils, language faculty work alongside colleagues who focus on teaching and research in literature, history, art, and a broad range of other fields. Most language programs fall under the leadership of Language Program Directors, who are Senior Lectors with extensive experience in language teaching and program coordination. Language Program Directors work closely with Chairs, Directors of Undergraduate Studies, Directors of Graduate Studies, the Director of Language Study, other faculty in their departments and councils, and Center for Language Study staff.In 1998, Yale created the Center for Language Study, one of the first of its kind in the country, and charged it with improving the coherence and excellence of language programs across the university by creating a new community of language teachers and learners, inspiring new levels of aspiration among language faculty, and by bringing new discipline to Yale’s language efforts. The CLS now performs a central role in the administration of Yale’s language programs, offering opportunity and support for professional development, curricular innovation, and meaningfulincorporation of technology in language instruction, as well as its own independent study and tutoring programs.


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Editor notes

Undergraduate and Graduate-level language courses are offered in many languages at Yale. These liberal arts courses are intended to develop competence in the language and to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of the literatures and cultures of the respective countries and nations. Although there are no specific translation courses, the in depth learning of literature and language could be no doubt an incredible source of knowledge for the future translator.



Contact Information

Center for Language Study

Yale University

370 Temple Street, First Floor

PO Box 208349

New Haven, CT 06520-8349

Telephone: (203) 432-8196

Fax: (203) 432-4485

E-mail: cls@yale.edu

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