ABRAPT – Brazilian Association of Translation Researchers
ABRAPT is a not for profit civil society, exclusively cultural, with no political, philosophical, religious or ethnic ties or restrictions.
The goals are:
– To unite translation researchers from around the country and to allow and encourage their participation in all relevant works in the translation area;
– To establish channels of contact between members and the persons in charge of the educational structure of the country;
– To support the organization of conferences, courses, seminars, symposiums and other events;
– To facilitate the access of members to books, newspapers, magazines and other materials to be used in translation research;
– To promote scholarships and travels for study or research in the country or abroad;
– To promote contact and exchange with similar entities in the country and abroad;
The website is not offered in English.
Members of ABRAPT have the opportunity to get in touch with other fellow translators interested in translation research, to take part in conferences, courses, seminars, symposiums and other events, and they have access to different publications on translation
Joining Fee: R$ 40
Contact Information
Brazilian Association of Translation Researchers
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403 – Pr?dio de Letras, sala 269
PO Box 2530 ? ZIP Code: 05508-900 – S?o Paulo, SP
Phone/Fax: (+55 11) 818-3764
President: jmilton@usp.br
Secretary: ireneri@usp.br