HPI – The Association of Indonesian Translators


The Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI/Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia) was initially established on 5 February 1974 and in its 'heyday' managed to gather more than 300 members. However, in the course of time, for various unclear reasons it somehow died away with the lack of activities and functions. The association is a member of FIT.
Sometime in 2000 a few of its founders and idealistic colleagues met together and decided to reactivate this organization. With mere idealism and zero financial
capital, an emergency congress was convened and a new set of board was nominated under the leadership of Prof. (Emeritus) Dr. Benny H. Hoed, comprising leaders from higher education sector and book industry who began to
reform the organization particularly in members criteria and in its main role and activities.
Co-operations were formed with agencies and institutions, and activities were launched, mostly consisting of translation discussions and periodic newsletters publication.
In May 2004 the second congress of the new HPI was held. The result was additional 'fresh blood' newcomers in the board, and a growth of membership reaching up to 50 translators.
Prof. (Emeritus) Dr. Benny H. Hoed was re-elected for the 2004-2007 office term. New plans were made and agreed on. However, the organization has yet to achieve a fairly sound financial status.
The website of this association is only partially offered in English.


Membership is not limited to translators who have translated books, and the association also accepts those who translate documents in companies, firms and
In the past the association assisted its members finding work, nowadays it focuses more to developing the quality of its members instead. The number of HPI members slowly increased.


Contact the association for information on membership

Contact Information

HPI - The Association of Indonesian Translators
Gedung Rektorat Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya no. 4
Phone: +6221 3190 2112
Fax: +6221 3155 941
Email: sekretariat@hpi-net.org

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