NCATA - National Capital Area Chapter of ATA
NCATA - National Capital Area Chapter of ATA
NCATA was established in 1980 and is now one of the largest local chapters of the American Translators Association (ATA) with close to 300 members. Our steady increase in membership during the past decade testifies to the importance of the translation and interpreting professions in the Washington, DC area.
The chapter publishes an online Directory of Translators and Interpreters of its members. The searchable version can be accessed on this site.
NCATA hosts professional development workshops, giving members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and polish their skills.
The chapter newsletter, Capital Translator, appears several times a year with full-length articles, announcements, dictionary and technology reviews, and other valuable features. It is also available on this site.
NCATA sponsors sittings of the American Translators Association certification examination every year, and organizes workshops to help prepare.
NCATA seeks to:
– Promote recognition of translation and interpreting as professions, and advance the interests and concerns of professional translators and interpreters;
– Advance standards of professional ethics, business practices and competence, and foster professional contacts among translators, interpreters and translation
consumers in the Washington, DC metropolitan area;
– Provide career support to translators and interpreters through professional development and mutual assistance, and help accredit their professional status; and
– Maintain contact with related professional organizations, educational institutions, government agencies, private industry and the media.
$40 Individual Membership
$80 Corporate/Institutional Membership
Contact Information
PO Box 5757
Washington, DC 20016-5757
Phone: (703) 255-9290
You can also contact any board member or chair if you have specific questions:
President, Kelly Gomes: president@ncata.org
Vice President, Margarita Tobar: vicepresident@ncata.org
Secretary, Chari Voss: secretary@ncata.org
Treasurer, Marjon van den Bosch: treasurer@ncata.org
Webmistress, Maria Eugenia Kyburz: information@ncata.org
Assistant Information Chair, Donna Sandin: d.sandin@att.net
Certification Chair, Kenneth Palnau: certification@ncata.org
Membership Chair, Laura Tridico: laura_tridico@yahoo.com
Special Assistants:
Ninie Syarikin: webmaster@houseofcreativewriting.com
Gabrielle Parnes: gparnes@gmail.com